Demo: Real Estate Leasing Workflow Demo

Category :

Financial Services

The process of moving an individual, family, or company into a new building can be lengthy and complicated. Drawing from our experience building solutions for real estate investment trust (REIT) firms, we’ve crafted a solution on top of Salesforce designed to streamline key aspects of the leasing process. From lead capture to document generation for that final signature to authorize the exciting day of moving in, our customizable platform is designed for users to achieve their goals of maintaining the desired occupancy, clientele, and anything else to be discussed. Should you have other key goals, we’ll work with you on delivering the right user experience.

Join us on our demo video below to see how our intuitive interface delivers a consolidated source of data for managing leads, contacts, accounts, tours, opportunities, and more. Again, each screen is customizable — we’ll work with each client to determine the optimal information architecture for their goals.

Our key value drivers for this platform:

  1. Customizability to Meet Unique Company Needs: Due to the distinct characteristics of each company, a universal tool to fit all is infeasible.
  2. Disparate Systems and User Error Mitigation: Consolidation of various systems within Salesforce reduces the risk of user error, as there is no need to switch between different applications like Excel for leasing or Word for proposals. The unified platform minimizes opportunities for mistakes and allows for the implementation of guardrails.
  3. Accelerated Turnaround Time and Data Centralization: By centralizing all processes within Salesforce, from lead generation to proposal creation, the organization can achieve significant efficiency gains and enhanced speed.
  4. Diverse Workflow Optimization: Collaboration with the business to identify and eliminate redundancies, as well as exploring additional avenues for improvement.

Want to know how more about Salesforce for real estate management?

If you’re ready to give your real estate operations some new digital real estate, reach out to us anytime to learn how our work can be customized to your goals.

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